Dr. Julie Caton

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An Easy-to-Follow Guide to Bring Someone to the Lord

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Here is an illustration:    Imagine you are driving your car down the road of life.   Jesus is seen on the side of the road, waving to you.  You have several choices:

—Ignore God and whiz by.

—Decelerate, put your window down and chat briefly.

—Open the passenger door, point to that seat and let God ride “shotgun”  with you.

— Get out of the driver’s seat, walk around and greet Jesus. Then ask Jesus to drive, to take the wheel. 

This last choice means you willingly yield to Him, let Him drive, and continue on your life’s journey with Him in control.

Once you make this decision, what will be different about your life?  You have the Creator who made you, who knows your strengths and weakness, behind the wheel.   My bet is that Jesus will do a better job driving your car through life than you will.  You will feel God’s peace, and a capacity to forgive and love that you have not had before.

Why not give Him the wheel?  Driving with Him as your Savior also means death will cause you no fear.  When your heart stops beating, you simply pass from being with God on earth to being with God in heaven for eternity.




What does it mean to be a Born-again Christian.

The Roman Road to Salvation

The Four Spiritual Laws (CRU)

In Christ,