Dr. Julie Caton

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BUILDING INTIMACY WITH GOD: What can you, as a child, bring to the Lord?

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Dependency on the Creator is the reason you were born.  Building intimacy with Him is the purpose for your life, and staying close to Him is the sweet spot where you belong. Dependence of God is just another word for power, according to Bruce Wilkinson.

To do this you need to plan time and place, prepare to wait on Him, and then position yourself by clasping His hand.  Find a secret place in which you can be with God undistracted.  Wait on Him there, entwining yourself with His Presence.  Then grab hold of His hand and see the marvelous things He will do for you:  provide, protect, and give victory.

Remember that the only thing that you can grasp in life without damaging your soul is God’s hand.  Even Jesus committed himself into the Hand of the Father.

In Christ,