Dr. Julie Caton

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Getting to Know Yourself

Many people ask me: “How can I grow in my relationship with the LORD?”  These folks are regular readers of the Word, loyal intercessors, enthusiastic worshippers, and have a hungry for more.

To you, I have a suggestion:  Get to know yourself, even better.  Take time to examine your  spiritual strengths and weaknesses. (2 Cor. 13:5).  Prepare to compare yourself to one of our Spiritual fathers.

First, once you have a good understanding of what makes you tick, jot down your traits. Then bring them before the Holy Spirit.

Partnering with Holy Spirit,  select a spiritual father/mother from the Old or New Testament.  Read the references to him or her.  As you examine him, look at  yourself. Make an honest assessment. What do you have in common with one of these Bible’s spiritual leaders?

Here are some possibilities:   Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Ruth, Esther, Isaiah, Peter, John, Mary of Magdalene, or Paul. [Notice I didn’t put Jesus on that list, because I am hoping that you are comparing yourself to Him every day.  Isn’t one of your daily prayers: “Make me more like you, Lord?”]

Remember:  you are God’s masterpiece.  In the LORD’s eyes you are just as righteous, just as important, just as loved as these leaders.  What has God done for you, just like He did for this spiritual father?   What will God do for you, just as He promised this spiritual leader?

Recently I did this exercise. I compared myself to Moses.  So you can have a clear understanding of the “assignment”, these are the highlights from my study, just as an example.

  1. Moses and I both have a heart’s desire to “deliver people from their bondage.”

  2. But, like Moses, my early attempts failed.

  3. So I (and Moses)  went into the wilderness and there discovered an intimate relationship with the Almighty.

  4. But, once I (and Moses) were in the presence of the LORD, our insecurities became evident. We cowered in our assignment, and argued with Him.  We even complained to God about the people who whined and complained to us.

  5. Through this all, Moses and I developed a solid relationship with the Almighty so that we believe three important facts:

  • We serve the LORD who heals. (Ex. 15:26)

  • Our God never leaves us nor forsakes us. (Deut. 31:8-9

  • The LORD has and will continue to perform signs and wonders through us. (Ex. 4:5)

Enjoy this experience.   Let me know how it went for you.   Blessings.

In Christ,