Dr. Julie Caton

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It's Your Choice: Part 2

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Submitting yourself to the Holy Spirit is a powerful experience.  But it comes at a price.  As Mary said to the LORD, “may it be as you will,” so you must let the LORD have his reign in your heart, or take the reins of your soul.  It does mean giving the LORD control in your life — the run of your house, your mind, your heart, and your very being.  Are you ready to do that?

Perhaps you are somewhat like me and find that level of “giving yourself to God” difficult. You fear God will “not do it right.”  Sometimes I don’t believe that God REALLY LOVES me, and has my best in mind.  When that happens, I snap my head, jerk God’s bit out of my mouth, and pull the reins out of my Lord’s hands. I reject His loving control. As I do that, the power of the Holy Spirit fades, and disappears.  Sometimes this spiritual power stops abruptly like an engine that suddenly dies. Sometimes it winds down slowly like a fan which, having been turned off, still spins for a while and then dies. In either case, there is a point where I know the anointing has left me.

You can chose afresh: Doing life in Holy Spirit power or human puttering?  Just, admit your mini-rebellion, ask for Christ’s blood to cover that sin, and inhale the Spirit of our Most High God. Turn that power back on.
