Lessons from nature: This time its a compost pile!
In the midst of a neighbor’s compost pile, a cluster of Sweet Williams bloom. I look at her brown-gray pile of broken wood and yellowing weeds, stubby branches and dead leaves, and I see pink and white flowers waving in the breeze. They stand tall, vibrant color with bright green leaves, alive in the midst of dead stuff.Is not this what our life should be like? Should we not be flowers of beauty, budding, no — more than budding, actually thriving in the midst of the debris around us? Let this image remind us to do two things: First, look around us when we feel we are in a pile of garbage and find the beauty there in. God is in the garbage heap — I promise you. And, give ourselves permission to bloom into beauty individually, even if we perceive our life’s situation like a garbage pit. Don’t let the circumstances stifle you. Show forth the beauty God has given you even in the midst of the decay!