Peace of God is Better than Understanding
“The peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” So writes the Apostle Paul in the Letter to the Philippians. (4:7) Picture this: You are walking down the road together with two entities: Peace and Understanding. Peace picks up speed and passes Understanding, and keeps on walking. A gap forms between Peace and Understanding. Because you are walking along with them, you have to choose: do you walk ahead with Peace, or hold back to walk with Understanding?I prefer to stick with Peace, to have peace in my soul. So I would opt to go on ahead with Peace. By so doing I would leave Understanding in the dust, In essence I would have to suspend my contact with Understanding until a later time (perhaps heaven?). This metaphor is similar to one’s choice of walking by faith. We walk down the road of life believing but not understanding. As we walk by faith, we have peace, even though we forfeit understanding for the time being. If we had settled to hold back for understanding, that is walked by sight, we would fail to experience the peace that God has for us.It’s taken me a good number of years to get this idea. But as I grow older, peace and contentment become so much more important on a daily basis than understanding and knowing all about a problem. It is so much more important to please God by walking by faith, than to struggle to understand and comprehend. After all, the God we serve is unsearchable and unfathomable.