Dr. Julie Caton

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Shopping: Part Two


The T-shirt kiosk at the airport displayed a soft green T with the Logo “Keep It Simple.”   I walked right by it, but the Holy Spirit nudged me.  I kept on walking. The Spirit  gave me a mind tap again and suggested I get it.“But, Lord, I have a green T-shirt”, I said.The Spirit conveyed this message:  “It is not the T-shirt, Julie, it’s the Logo.  I want you to remember to “Keep it Simple.”So I got it and I have been wearing it.  And having that slogan in my forefront, has reminded me to simplify my life.  “Keep it simple” for me means a single concept:  God is Love.  And this concept expands to what I think and what I do in simple language:   God is in me.  Therefore Love is in me. Therefore I will simply Love.Try walking through your day thinking about everything you do and say with that basic philosophy as you marching orders.Perhaps your SIMPLE way is different from mine, but meaningful to you.  Share it with us.  How do you “keep it simple?”    How does simplicity improve your life?
