Transformation: Part One What does “being transformed” mean?
Is not your being transformed into the likeness of Jesus your top goal for 2016? If not, should it be? I desire it passionately. Let’s take a look at what this means:The dictionary defines transformation as the act of changing form, shape or appearance. A secondary meaning related to math is changing direction, like coordinates on a graph. A biological definition says that transformation is a genetic modification of a cell to incorporate new DNA.So from our human point of view, transformation means changing the form of human deadness within you to something spiritually new, pulsating with Life.As you transform, these things change their direction. Dissatisfaction turns to satisfaction; Darkness and confusion become light and truth; Selfishness transforms to Christ-centeredness and agape love.Transformation means taking on the fullness of divine life by uniting with Jesus’s spirit. This is like a genetic modification, as you receive Jesus’s DNA in order to become like Him. In Christ,