Dr. Julie Caton

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Troubled Relationships:  How Can Jesus Help?

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In our families and workplaces, most of us have problems with relating to other people.  This is caused by someone’s self-centeredness, misconceptions, and/or negative emotions.  But Jesus has solutions to these difficulties.Do you really KNOW who Jesus is?  As we look at His solutions to relationship problems, we see how unique He is as the Messiah, the Cornerstone of the Christian Church.  He says He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  What does that really mean?  How can the uniqueness of Jesus help us in our daily connections?

In a nutshell, Jesus reveals how the Almighty God came down to interact with man, and to help us with our relationships by giving us His Holy Spirit.   In all the other world religions, man has sought out God on an intellectual or behavioral level, through rituals and laws.  But Jesus is different.  He is the incarnation of God who has come to search out the individual.

This video blog is for you IF you are having trouble in relationships, AND/OR you are wondering what is so unique and special about Christianity.  Should you follow Jesus as your way, your truth and your life?

This video blog is the first of four on how Jesus can provide solutions to relationship difficulties. Next Friday, we will address Jesus’s style of communication and how it can help us. Following that, we will look at problems with misunderstanding Jesus, and finally, how obedience to Jesus can help us in troubled relationships. 
