Dr. Julie Caton

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Watch God Work You, the Vineyard


Imagine yourself a vineyard, fruitful, luscious, smelling sooo sweet and good.  The Lord describes you as “the Garden of My Delight.”Consider what God does to make you this fruitful garden.  First He digs down deep into your soil (of your soul) and stirs you up.  Then He clears away the stones and rocks (your offenses), anything that disrupts the growth in the garden.  He then plants the finest Vine (which is Jesus) so choice grapes will be produced in you.But this is not all.  Our Heavenly Father then builds a tower in the vineyard so that you can do two important things:  watch to see if the enemy is coming to ruin your harvest and observe your fruit as it grows and multiplies.Finally, He builds you a wine vat. This is a winepress or tub in which you can store up your harvested wine until it needs to be dispensed.After all this, The Holy Gardener looks at you and says, “You indeed are my Garden of Delight.”(adapted from Isaiah 5:1,2 and 7.)
