Why do bad things happen to good people?
Christ’s birth is God’s plan for overcoming evil. How does this holiday answer the question: “Why bad things happen to good people?” I explores why Christmas is the answer to this challenging question. To do so, we may need to change some of our perspectives.
If you have ever wondered how to answer someone who asks that question, listen to this video live. I review why evil entered the world in the first place. Then move through the time the serpent tempted Eve into challenging God and cover when God cursed them and set the stage for perpetual spiritual warfare. We look at God’s final solution to deal with this presence of evil: The Seed of the Woman someday bruising the head of serpent.
On Christmas Day that Seed, Jesus the Word Made Flesh, came alive. The action plan to defeat evil got under way. Jesus eventually defeated satan on the Cross. Our tragedies are turned to blessings because Jesus demonstrated God’s love and power through his death and resurrection. The key to accepting “bad things” is to use a kingdom perspective: Our God Reigns!
In Christ,