Aqua Therapy
Clients often express the need to be more relaxed, or to be more healthy. As a result I have added aqua therapy to our “healing” options. In my indoor, inground (90 degree) endless pool, clients find time to move, exercise even, and talk. They relax physically and process their problems at the same time. Families have used the pool for family therapy, so that I can observe how a family “plays together”, to help them live together better.
Types of Aqua Therapy
Aqua Interactional Therapy combines cognitive behavioral therapy with a warm water environment. By understanding your beliefs you can change your behaviors.
Aqua PACT (Parent and Child Therapy) is a contract that will reconnect the parent with the child. In so doing the parent will be better equipped to alter the child’s attitude and behavior.
Muscle Maintenance is the fountain of youth for improving your longevity and strengthening the body part your doctor has identified as causing you problems.
Stress reduction is a key to living well and maintaining health. In the warmth of the Endless Pool, Dr. Julie will teach a variety of techniques to relax your body and mind so you can handle life’s struggles better.