My purpose as a clinical psychologist is to assist in your healing process so you may live a more complete and wholesome life because of God’s grace.
In order to accomplish this purpose, I will:
Share relevant solutions to your concerns from the field of psychology and Scripture
Help unleash your power and love so that you can embrace your whole Person
Guide you towards healthy thinking and a sound mind so that you may reformat your body, soul, and spirit
Utilize memorable, practical, and inspirational methods drawn from my four decades of clinical experience
Assess and then tailor these techniques to your individual or group needs so these goals may be achieved
Are we a good match for each other?
There are many therapists in available and you need to find one that fits well with you. Here are two clues to my value system:
I work with a faith-based approach. That means that I believe that God is present in our lives and in our sessions.
I believe that natural remedies, such as essential oils and homeopathic products, are good options to deal with emotional problems, perhaps doing more than pharmaceutical drugs.
All clients are seen by appointments only. My working hours range from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, Monday – Friday. Generally, the practice is busy and the first available appointment is four – six weeks into the future, depending on the flexibility of the client’s schedule. A missed session fee is charged (not covered by insurance) when someone has scheduled an appointment and does not contact me within 48 hours to cancel.
I take most insurances, but not all. Check with your health insurance carrier to see if you have an out-patient mental health benefit, what your deductible is, and what your copay for a specialist is. My fee-for-service without insurance is $125. If financial need is an issue, you may discuss that with me.
Please review the website, which explains what you can expect. Most clients are seen at least four times. Goals will be discussed and agreed upon by the third session. If a recurrent session is recommended, it will occur every other week or once a month, until the problem has been resolved. The average client is seen for eight to fifteen sessions. When the goals have been achieved, the client completes a discharge form, and “graduates.”
I work out of my home at 81 North Main St., (Rt. 63), on the west side of the road, across from the Oakfield Community Bible Church. Please park on the road or in the church parking lot, and walk up the driveway. Ring the bell at my rear entrance and come on in!
Types of Therapy