A New Take on God’s “Sustaining” You.
I was looking up verses that included this verb, “to sustain”. For example, Ps. 51:12, says, “Grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. Psalm 3:5 says “I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the LORD sustains me. Psalm 112:8 says, “Their hearts are secure (or upheld and sustained): they have no fear.” A well-known verse from Isaiah (26:3) reads, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast (or sustained).”
Note something interesting: this word “to sustain” in Hebrew is the word, camak, (sa-mach’). It is used repeatedly in Leviticus in a different manner: The priest is commanded to lay a hand on the head of an animal being offered for slaughter in the ritual sacrifice. The word camak is this action: the priest pressing the head of a lamb against his arm to hold it secure so he can cut its juggler vein and bring a speedy death to the animal.
So consider this: When I ask the LORD to sustain me, I am asking Him to lay His hand on my head, and support me while He takes my life as a sacrifice. Perhaps this reminds you of the image of “being crucified for Christ”. Or maybe it brings to mind, “giving up your life for Christ.” For me, I see God holding my head firmly, camaking me, and opening my throat to GIVE FORTH THE SACRIFICE OF PRAISE from my lips. It is in that act of disciplined praise that I experience God’s sustaining me.