Adaptation of Ps. 63:7-8
Recipe for JoyHow many of us can bake a cake from scratch with no recipe? Perhaps my grandmother might have. Perhaps she memorized her favorite recipe as a young woman. But I need a recipe — or at least a boxed cake mix which tells me the basics, egg, oil, water plus oven temperature.Psalm 63:7-8 written by King David.For you have been my help. And in the shadow of your wings, I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.Here is my adaptation of it. Consider this a recipe for joy.Set your oven to “quiet meditation” for the first 20 minutes. Then raise the temperature to “exuberant singing” until the cake is done.Open up your soul, (emotions, thoughts and all) and pour it into the bowl. Add the Almighty God, who has arisen in this momentand become your helper.Stir in one of two images:a place under the shade of God’s wings, and nest in there like a chick under her mother hen.(Or you can substitute: huddling under God’s skirt (like a 19th century toddler under her mother’s “hoop”) where it is dark and protected.Then reach for God’s right hand — who is Jesus, and shout for joy!Spin and swirl and sing your heart out. Enjoy!.Jesus is the Joy. In Christ,