Are you prepared for your final trip?

It’s two days until my departure to the Holy Land, my dream of a life time.  Walking the ground where my Lord trod has been on my bucket-list for fifty years. I leave September 1, arriving in Tel Aviv after an 11 hour flight, and then bus to the Tiberius hotel on the shore of the Sea of Galilee September 2.Facing this adventure, I’m surprised by two sets of strong emotions.  Excitement and anticipation are bubbling up, with increased strength — like a pot of pasta that has been simmering and is now about to overflow.  I’ve read and reread my itinerary, trying to picture the places I’ll visit.Yet I feel a pull to my home and garden, my dogs, my friends and family, whom I will be leaving behind.  Given the state of the world, I am aware of the risks involved with a trip to the Middle East, so I am “setting my affairs in order” in case of emergency.The Holy Spirit suggested these emotions are similar to what I will feel when I face my death one day.  I will be thrilled that I am going on a trip to the home of my Abba Father, knowing I will be seated with Jesus on the heavenly throne. I will be surrounded by the spiritual presence of the Holy Spirit, and free to walk in the Divine Presence for Eternity.On the other hand, my departing this world will hold the feelings of sorrow for friends left behind. I will feel the bittersweet gratitude of rich memories mingled with the fact that this inevitable Change from death to everlasting life ends my time on earth.The parallel between this trip I am about to take, and the trip of my one day passing through the veil of this life to heaven requires some reflection.  Am I ready to go?   Has my ticket  been purchased?  Bags packed?  Affairs in order?Consider this, my friend —  one day you will die.  Is your soul ready?  Have you bought the ticket of Christ’s redeeming blood so you can enter His heavenly gates? Are you wisely packing your bags and taking with you the completed God-assigned tasks, His seeds sown, the spiritual fruit you’ve borne, so you can lay them at your Heavenly Father’s feet? Have you forgiven all, cleared out all bitterness and corruption from your inner being?  Have you read through your heavenly itinerary so you can envision heaven and what is awaiting you?My suggestion to you:  Prepare now, and then live your life fully.  Let that cooking pot of anticipation for Eternity simmer and bubble until the day of your departure to heaven.   Each day infuse the promises of Eternity to mingle with your daily routine. In Christ,large-signature


I want to say 'Shalom' from Jerusalem!


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