Chapter 10: Reading: A Tool to Dig Deeper
How was everyone's weekend? Exciting I hope! Let's jump right into chapter 10!
In the thick of Indian life, Madeleine is exposed to a variety of cultural changes: the attitude ofthe Indians towards the French; the Huron philosophy regarding war and peace; the ways of pregnant women; and the role of the Roman Catholic church in the lives of the Amerindians.Madeleine has to make her first major decision regarding her relationship with Robert. How should she approach him in correspondence? When she says on page 96, “The future I desired depended on this intriguing explorer”, what do you think she meant? Do you agree with her?In her interactions with Father Bart and Turtle Back, Madeleine learns that she has the courage to confront “strong” male figures. As she watches Flower Eyes, Madeleine learns that a child is innocent when she is violated. This latter realization helped Madeleine shed her guilt about her own abuse. We continue to see the progression of her healing.
Author Tidbits
People often ask how much of the author is revealed in her characters. This chapter reflected at least two incidents that came from my own personal experience.
When Madeleine found Turtle Back molesting Flower Eyes, she rushed to the child’s rescue. Would you have done so?
I was a Correction Officer for a period of times (years ago) and came upon a similar situation in the Women’s Prison in Albion. The scene I related in White Heart is similar to what I dealt with while in charge of one of the women’s dorms, although both the abuser and the victim were females.
I also drew on my experience from the 1960’s about New Testament Pacifism when I wrote about the Indians’ various perspectives on war parties. There is a lot to be said for the sayings: “turn the other cheek,” and “those that live by the sword shall die by the sword.” What is your position on being aggressive for the sake of your “tribe?” Would you take a position of self-defense in all situations? Would you ever chose to die instead of kill?
As you read, I hope you ask yourself “What would I think, or what would I feel in a similar situation?” This exercise in self-reflection is how reading helps us grow and develop character.
Up Next: Wednesday's blog post on Chapter 11!
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