Chapter 11: Cataraqui
How times change! Right where Fort Frontenac was built in 1674, the community of Kingston,Ontario built a sports arena in 2010. What remains of the fort is just the cornerstone and part of the wall, about 6 feet by 10 feet.How times don’t change! Governor Frontenac replaced his female interpreter with a male interpreter. Madeleine was ousted from her job as translator to the governor to make way for a man, a lay religious teacher. Was this fair? Do governments still prefer males to females in leadership? Why don’t more women seek jobs in congress or other positions of leadership?And how the questions about love and marriage stay the same! Madeleine is drawn magnetically to red-skin youth, Tonato, but is intellectually intrigued by the adventurous Frenchman, La Salle. Which is better: to follow your heart when it is “turned on” and passionate? Or to follow your head when it concludes things dispassionately? Who is a better choice for Madeleine?In your love life (or love lives) which decision do you make?
Author Tidbit
Madeleine said on page 112, “Cool water soothed away my tension.” I LOVE SWIMMING. When asked what kind of an animal I am most like, I told my friend recently that I am a dolphin. So my vacations need to be near water. My recreational opportunities seek out water. If you can’t find me any where in my house, check the bath tub. Or my recently installed in-door pool. Water may not be your “thing” to soothe. But try to identify some activity or place that reaches down into your soul and brings relief from your life’s stresses. And take time to go to it. And cherish it.