Chapter 21: Finding Your Peace When You Find Your Missing Piece

fall2013In this chapter Annie reveals her soul, and the tragedies in her life.  As she talks with Madeleine, we can see that her own identity has been a bit shaky.  She says to Madeleine, “If you really knew me, you wouldn’t love me.” How often do we feel that way?I certainly do.  I become nervous about revealing too much of myself to someone.  What will they think if they saw me warts and all?  Perhaps that fear of being fully known is what keeps us from entering into deeply committed relationships.As she struggles with her life’s story and her issues with identity, a marvelous experience happens to Annie in this chapter.  She enters into a personal relationship with Jesus.


Up Next: Monday's blog post on Chapter 22!

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Chapter 22: Drawing Your Halves Together To Make a Whole


Chapter 20: Relationship is the Key Ingredient in Therapy