Do You Ever Feel Closed In By Fear?

There have been moments of my life where I have felt suffocated by fear.  Once I was in a single engine Cessna, and we lost visual sight of the landscape and flew “by the seat of our pants” for several minutes.  Another time I faced an angry looking person, scared that something awful would happen.  Recently I was alone at night with the horrific pain of a kidney stone, and was afraid of the outcome.On the day of the Resurrection, the disciples were huddled in a room in Jerusalem, scared to death of the Roman soldiers so they locked and bolted the door. (See John 20:19-23) Jesus had been crucified three days before. Who knew what the Roman government was going to do with the disciples.  Mary Magdalene and the two disciples who had gone to Emmaus had reported seeing the Resurrected Lord, but most of the disciples failed to believe that story.So what happened?  Jesus entered that locked space, the atmosphere congested with the disciples’ fear.  In his supernatural, transformed body Jesus walked right through the barriers of stone and a bolted door. Nothing held him back. Once inside that space filled with anxiety, he talked to his friends, and then offered them gifts.The next time you are in a space of fear, consider what Jesus did, the gifts he offered:

  1. He spoke.  “Peace be with you.

  2. He showed his hands and feet, evidence of his crucifixion, his true identity as Redeemer.

  3. He challenged them with a new purpose.  “As my Father sent me out, I am sending you.”

  4. He breathed on them, showering them with Holy Spirit power.

When you are facing fear, receive these gifts:  His presence, his peace, a new purpose,and  the package of both faith and power.Another way to consider this:   when you are surrounded by anxiety and apprehension,try these four things:Look at Him.Listen to Him.Move out in obedience.And receive His Spirit.



God’s Light in the Darkness of Our Soul


Creating a Holy Spirit Strategy