Fall in Love with White Heart this Autumn



What an opportunity for you! Readers have asked me to re-run the book discussion on White Heart this fall.The top three reasons we are doing this:Reason #1:  Many people wrote in saying they were interested in signing up in the fall but the summer was too busy for them.  So clear your calendar from September 30th to December 6th.  The format will be the same:  We will read three chapters a week for ten weeks to finish the book.  Each week two of my written blogs will be posted on the website followed, on Friday, by a five minute video-blog.The purpose of the blogs will be to expand on the themes or characters within White Heart.   To receive the blogs automatically in your email you do have to SIGN UP AS A SUBSCRIBER.  Don’t be afraid to do this. Subscribing is FREE and FUN.  (And I promise I won’t give your name out to anyone else.)Reason #2:  We are become a community of readers who will send and receive opinions on this dynamic topics.  By signing up you not only receive the blogs, but you will have the opportunity to ask and respond to a variety of questions:For example: are you interested in these questions?How do you handle stress – or not?  What has your experience been waiting on the Lord?  What traits do you think go into picking a marital partner? How should we handle various moral conflicts? Are the problems we have in our sex life able to be solved?  What can we say to our youth and our selves about chastity?Are you interested in psychological issues? My blogs will also include discussions about issues in the field of Mental Health.  For example, I will share ideas about the following:Post-Traumatic Stress DisorderSeasonal Affective DisorderIdentity formation Defense MechanismWhite Heart has strong spiritual themes running throughout the book.  Some of the blogs are ideas that come from my walk with the Lord.  For example I share the blessings one gets from waiting on the Lord, and some of the Bible’s teaching on death and dying.  In the very heart of the novel lies my desire to have a reader come to know God.  Some of the blogs help explain that concept.Reason # 3:  If you have any questions about this book discussion, ANY QUESTIONS at all, please email me. As one of my readers I’ll get back to you ASAP – isn’t that a great reason in and of itself for joining?Thanks everyone!  I can’t wait for the journey to start!!greetingsdrjulie


Don’t Dilute Your Devotion to God


Freeing Ourselves from Guilt Part III