Guard your anointing!

In order to dispense God’s Spirit, we need to be anointed by the Spirit.  This is the Heavenly Father’s desire for us, to receive His anointing.  In a nutshell, to be anointed means to be oiled up with God’s Spirit.  This condition comes from one being in the presence of God.  I need to guard this marvelous gift, God’s Holy Spirit in me.I’ve discovered that certain attitudes and behaviors can block my anointing. Here are a few problems I have that stop the Holy Spirit’s flow through me:— I do something without tapping into Faith.  Scripture says that anything that is not done in faith is sin. (Rom. 14:23). For me, this translates into an action or even a thought in which I run ahead of God, and fail to offer the situation up to Him in faith.— I live beyond today, and disregard God’s suggestion that I live one day at a time. I fail to seek first and foremost God’s Kingdom.  (Mat. 6:34).  After all, when God provided for the Israelites, he gave them bread from heaven on a day by day basis. When they tried to collect enough manna for more than one day it was taken over by maggots.— I allow myself to fall into something (action or thought) that is impure.  The Word reminds us to keep ourselves pure (1Tim. 5:22).  When I am reading a book or watching a movie, and the plot pulls me away from things of God, I am not keeping myself pure.  If my own fantasy life becomes unwholesome, I’m sliding into impurity.— I give in to murmuring and grumbling against the Lord.  God asks me to put an end to my murmuring (Numbers. 17: 10). My grumbling usually looks like a self-pity party, a judgmental rant within my own head or worst of all, a nasty gossip session.Don’t take for granted this flow of God through you and in you.  It is a free gift, but it has to be protected and cherished.  Guard your anointing, my friend.



Keep the Angels Busy


The LORD covers me! Why?