What is God doing in our lives? Share a testimony.

Are you asking: “How can I know God better?”  Let’s explore having a Secret Place. This video live suggests why we should put value on having our own Secret Place and how to do it.  Your Secret Place needs a time, a physical space, and a mind-set to hear from God.  We will talk about how to make this “Secret Place”  a reality in your life.

The marvelous thing about the Secret Place is what the Trinity — Father, Son and Holy Spirit — wants to do for you out of your Secret Place.  Do you want to be made into his image, to hear his voice, to receive his protection?  Those are all promises connected to your having a Secret Place.  I can guarantee that having your Secret Place will exponentially improve your love relationship with God. Tune in to this week’s Bread Basket.



BUILDING INTIMACY WITH GOD: What can you, as a child, bring to the Lord?


With cracks in my identity how can I love myself?