Imagine Yourself a Warrior Princess

IMG_5470Want to have some fun?  Picture yourself as a warrior princess, which is described in Psalm 45 (if you change the masculine gender to feminine, which I’m happy to do.)  The Psalmist portrays a warrior of the king as riding majestically forward into battle. Picture yourself this way:  you have girded your sword (The Word of God) by your side, and have a quiver of arrows (verses of Scripture) slung over your shoulder. You carry a display (a banner) of the King’s awesome deeds.You ride forth.  You wear a beautiful embroidered, gold threaded garment, topped with splendor and majesty.  You have been anointed with fragrant oils (for strength in battle and healing in case of injuries).  You radiate a spirit of joy and gladness.  You move forward victoriously to fight for truth and humility, justice and righteousness.When you report back to your King, your tongue is skilled in speaking and stirs his heart.  The King is enthralled by your beauty and has called you blessed forever.

Go girl!




Giving Jesus a Drink


Two Praises for Every Complaint - at least! Part Two