Dr. Julie Caton

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In the Fullness

In your creation I glimpse the fullness of You:your creative story, your desire for intimacy, your whisper of redeeming love.In the first sun burst of the day, I see your promise of Holy Spirit firerising up with healing in its wings.In the river’s rolling current, which dances over stones and dips around boulders,I see your hand leading me in a heavenly waltz.In the center of the sunflower, I see your eyes sparkling,and one of many is winking at me.In the willow tree’s shade where I curl up against its trunk,I feel you pulling me onto your bosom where I can hear your heart beat.In the white-capped waves lapping the sandy beach,I hear your rhythmic whisper: “I love you; whoosh I love you; whoosh I love you.”In the crested clouds silently gliding across the heavens,I hear you call: “If you fall, I’ll catch you in my everlasting arms.”In the autumn swirl of golden leaves and scarlet fronds,I see a shower of gems descending on me from your majestic throne room.In the newly-fallen snow, blanketing the earth’s dirt,I recognize your promise of a fresh life when sins are confessed.In the night sky after wind has blown away the clouds and the star-lit galaxy appears,I see your banner raised on high saying: “Light has overcome darkness.Beloved, I have redeemed you.”No matter the time or the place, in this life, creation tells us your love story.In your presence is indeed the fullness of joy. Blessings,