Jesus in the Midst
“Look at my hands and my feet; it is truly me!” Jesus said this to his disciples during one of his post-resurrection appearances. He says this to us during this Christmas season: “Look at me, at my hands and my feet, yes, my whole body. It is truly me, the LORD Almighty, made flesh!”
Christmas is all about the Incarnation of God. In this scene from Luke 24, we see Jesus appear suddenly. He is giving the gift of the Word Made Flesh to us, offering himself in the midst of the difficulties that we face in our lives.
I paraphrase Luke 24: 36-39 like this: Jesus himself was suddenly standing there among them. “Peace be with you, “ he said. “Why are you troubled and frightened? Why are you all stirred up with fear? And why do you doubt what you are experiencing and questioning what is true? Look at my hands and my feet; it’s truly Me.”
Are you surrounded by commotion, agitation, or personal difficulties like these disciples? Picture Jesus in your midst. It is truly Jesus standing in front of you. He is there as the crucified Messiah. His death defeats any experience you have of cowering, fretting, or questioning. His desire for you is to be at peace. In fact, He yearns that PEACE BE WITH YOU.
The next time you are in the midst of confusion, turmoil, or just plain trouble, believe Jesus is right there in your midst. He is saying to you, “Look at Me. Take my gift of PEACE. This peace was paid for when I laid down on the cross and allowed the soldiers to drive spikes into my hands and feet. I became flesh for the purpose of dying for you, so you might have PEACE. Take my gift. Take Me.”