Light is a key to Soul-wellness


God’s Spirit hovered over the deep and He declared “Let there be light.” (Gen. 1: 1-5).  There are over 200 references to light in the Bible, in verses like “God’s light,” and the “light of life”, and the “light of God’s presence.”  This light overcomes darkness, and is outcome of the victory won by Jesus on the cross.  Indeed, Jesus ways “I am the light of the world.” 

Light, the creative energy emanating from the Sovereign God, was present in Paradise.  That Light penetrated the physical and spiritual life given to Adam and Eve as God breathed life into them.  It became a foundational part of their existence. God made Light to become the marker for the concept of “day”, a measurement of time that God ordained for his people.

How does this concept of the presence of light in my life, and light structuring the concept of  “a day”, bring about soul-wellness?

God wants us to be surrounded by light, not darkness.  By definition, light is energy, positive, life-giving energy.  Darkness, on the other hand, is the absence of energy, a drain on positive power.  To seek light and energy, and avoid darkness and negativity, is a principle we need to follow to achieve soul-wellness.  Thanks be to God, that the death of Jesus overcame darkness.  And that the resurrection of Jesus unleashed God’s light and power on this earth.

God also asks us to live one day at a time.  We see this principle in Exodus 16 when Jehovah fed the Israelites with manna one day at a time. We hear Jesus speak of living one-day-at-a-time when he preached the Sermon on the Mount. (Mat 6: 34). God has given us “a day”, clearly marked by the rising and setting of the sun, as a clue on how to walk out this life.  If we run ahead of God, and try to manage multiple days, we will lose the blessings that God intended for us.  Soul-wellness comes one day at a time.



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