Dr. Julie Caton

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 Radically  Expand Your Communication with God — Become “Pickled” for God.

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As I see it, being “pickled” spiritually is not total drunkenness, but a state of being so immersed in God that your whole being changed. It’s like a cucumber becoming a pickle by being dipped in boiling water and then marinated in vinegar

This week’s Bread Basket focuses on a radical way of praying.   Tune in and let me explain how to pray with the Father, AND the Son, AND the Holy Spirit — in a small group, which I call “the swirl.”

When we hash out a problem, most of us human beings love to “talk” with our friends, getting diverse opinions and sharing different perspectives.  This small group setting —  in which the three facets of the God-head come together — allows different ideas and triggers shared “amens” when it comes to our seeking solutions in prayer.

There is synergy in this small group.  An energy is released in which the individual participants relate to each other, and the outcome is greater than the sum of the parts.

Try this radical way of praying.  You might like it.   I do! 
