The Marvel of Words
I love looking up the Hebrew and Greek synonyms for words in familiar Scripture passages. This cracks open the verse and sheds light on it in exciting ways. You can do this using most of the Bible apps currently available. is just one of them.When I looked up the Hebrew synonyms for some of the words in Jeremiah 29:11, a paraphrase came out like this:
For I know the intentions I have devised for you,” declares the Lord. “These thoughts are to complete you, to give you Shalom, which is soundness and prosperity of your soul. These plans are not evil; they will not harm you, nor displease you and nor hurt you. They will not create misery for you. My intention is to give you hope of friendship and expectation of tranquility. I want you to have a marvelous end, a terrific latter time.”
I challenge you to read that out loud, substituting your own name, your own concerns, your own hopes into the promise. Soak those ideas in, my friend.