The Power of Words
Words are like arrows set on assignment, and they are substantive in nature. Indeed, the Spirit of God hovered over the waters and then God SPOKE and creation began. (Gen.1) It was the WORD that was made flesh and made his dwelling among us. (John 1:14). Words, spoken through the powerful organ of the tongue, determine the direction of our lives. They bless and they curse. When people come into agreement using words, there is power. These words could be from the dark realm, full of deceit and defeat. Or they can be words from God Himself, carrying the power of restoration and resurrection. Words can represent either “the devil’s demolition team” or “God’s construction crew.” “Gracious words are pure in God’s sight.” (Prov. 15:26) On the other hand, the tongue is a fire and can corrupt the course of a person’s life. (James. 3:6). The choice is ours. It is a powerful experience to come into agreement with what God has to say about us, or the direction of our lives, and see that become a reality.Scripture says “what you sow you will reap”. Look at this truth in the context of words spoken. There is either praise or condemnation. If you speak judgment and curses, you will receive criticism, curses and judgement. If you speak blessings, you will receive blessings and words of affirmation from the Lord and his Body. You decide what kind of harvest you get.When it comes to the power of words, the good news is two-fold: First, Jesus became our curse. He releases and breaks any curses uttered. (Gal. 3:13). Second, the Holy Spirit will speak through us if we are yielded to him. (Luke 12:12).As the stories of Creation and the Incarnation show, words are energy, spoken into the world around us and into our very souls. Let us use our words, in agreement with the Almighty, to release, rebuild, and restore the Kingdom of God on earth. In Christ,