Dr. Julie Caton

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Waiting For The Seed To Grow

 IMG_1619When you bury a seed in soil, you are acting in faith.  You are believing the life encoded in that tiny seed will eventually sprout and become the flower-to-be.  As you cultivate your plant and you water it, you have the flower-to-be in your mind’s eye, the very plant you chose to sow and eventually harvest.Then one fine day, the flower-to-be IS.  You have seen it grow from seed to green sprout to stem and leaves, and bud, and then flower!  Now your faith has become sight.  So it is with the seeds planted in the soil of your soul. By faith you wait for the spiritual seeds to break through the ground and come into bloom.  What you see in your mind’s eye regarding spiritual seed will one day bear flower or fruit in you.  Thus it is important to sow seeds that you want to harvest. What kernels are in your mind’s eye?  What seedling thoughts are planted within you?  These choices matter, because they will come to life.  As you plant your seeds of intentions or kernels of traits and behaviors, be aware.  You will reap what you sowed. It is equally important to cultivate your faith while you wait, and to water your seed with the Word of God as growth occurs.  This process of seed-sowing and fruit-harvesting is part of God’s plan.  The LORD whom we serve, the Creator of the Universe, is a God “who calls into being that which does not exist as though they already do!” (Rom 4:17b).
