Where is your life going?
Do you feel successful? Or do you feel that your life is going nowhere?Consider this: your journey in this life is occurring on two different planes. On one level, your physical body and temporal soul are traveling. On another level your spiritual self is moving along. You may be successful from the world’s point of view. Perhaps you have achieved much — a nice personality, a good job, a happy family, excellent health. If so, I’m pleased for you.But during a “successful” day, if you are like me, you may rarely think about the Lord. When every thing goes well in my life, I don’t tend to cry out to God. When I am on a roll, I don’t tend to release every action, every thought as an act of worship to God (Rom. 12: 1).Yet what is happening within me in the spiritual realm? Am I growing in my relationship with my Creator? Ask yourself this: when my day is up, and all that is “of the world” is burned away, what will remain?Sarah Young wrote: “Although you may feel as if you are going nowhere in this world, your spiritual journey is another matter all together. The most routine part of your day can be a spiritual act of worship, holy and pleasing to Him.”So today shift your thinking. You have the opportunity in this life to cultivate faithfulness in Jesus. If you are one of us who experiences a sense of uselessness or fruitlessness, try changing your emphasis to a spiritual one. Your existence in this life-time is NOT about your achievements. It does not matter whether you got your to-do list done, or what you learned or produced today. It does not even matter how “nice” and loving you were. What matters is what went on inside of your spirit. Psalm 37: 3 (NASB) says “Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.” Cultivate is defined as “to prepare and work up, to promote the land for growth of a crop.”Instead of evaluating your success as you see it, the key questions should be: Are you growing faith inside of you? Are you making every mundane task an act of worship? We all have had days when Murphy’s Law takes over. (Google that one). But in the spiritual realm it will be a marvelous day, when you responded to everything that goes wrong with an attitude of faith. Faith lasts. The parts of us formed into the image of Christ will make it through the judgment fire (1 Cor. 3). Whatever is not from faith, is sin (Romans 14:23). Hold yourself to that standard and see how you measure up.Consider each day as an opportunity for spiritual growth. Confess any action or thought that is not faith-based, then claim the power of Christ’s spirit within you. At the time you transition into eternity (that is when you die!), you will see the marvelous spiritual journey the Lord took you on. You might be thinking now, “I am going nowhere, doing nothing of value.” But in fact God is molding you in to His image because you have been cultivating faith each step of the way.