Why Did Jesus Experience Joy in the Cross?
A challenging question was brought to me recently. Hebrews 12:2 reads: “Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross. . . “ The person asked: What was this joy set before Jesus?
I believe He felt a profound Shalom, that God-given peace and deep contentment that passes human understanding. (Phil 4:7)
But the more important question is why did Jesus experience such joy?
He knew His sacrifice would restore me into my God-ordained identity as a daughter to be crowned with His Glory and honor. (Heb. 2:7) In addition, He knew His Bride — we Body of Believers who are the multiple “me’s” that connect in His body — would be restored to His Glory as it was meant to be since the foundation of the world. This is not a simplistic salvation, but a powerful act of restoration.
His joy was in this fact: The Lamb of God opened the door so that I could move OUT of slavery under the law of sin and death, and move INTO my inheritance in the Kingdom of God. Jesus rejoiced that — as a result of His pain — I would be set free to know my full potential, my reigning capabilities. By this single act, He was showing me that I had immeasurable value in His eyes. I was His pursuit, His Beloved, and He craved bringing me into the Glory of His Presence. (1 Cor. 2:7.). [My heart hums with the sweetness of that destiny!]
In addition, Jesus rejoiced because He knew this:
The truth of my worth, confirmed through the priceless blood of Christ, is unleashing the grace in me to value others. The beautiful dynamic of the Body of Believers is this: as people, knowing their value in Christ, we honor our brothers and sisters and become one with each other in love. This oneness is the church’s testimony to the world and it makes Jesus’ joy complete (John 17:13)
In Christ,