Did You Know We Have an Open Heaven?

The concept of the “open heaven” is rarely discussed in the church today.  But it should be. We, as the Body of Believers, the church, should be “the gateway to heaven.”  We should take up the role as heaven’s gatekeepers.  An open heaven always gives us access to God and He to us,  sometimes through his ministering angels.During a dream, an open heaven was seen by the patriarch, Jacob. (Gen. 28:12).  Angels were ascending and descending the staircase to heaven.  The presence of angels is just one of the blessings of the open heaven.  Angels, as ministering servants, come to us as protectors, warriors, healers, or worshippers. They come as wind and as fire.  They activate our encounters with God, as was seen at Pentecost and help us when we are in trouble.  Angelic activity is going on whether we can see it or not.Jesus’s death pierced heaven. When He was crucified, the Veil in the temple was ripped fully open, thus giving us access to the Holy of Holies. The night before His death, when he served us the Last Supper, Jesus gave us our “ticket of admission” to the Open Heaven.  Jesus said, “And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones.. . “ (Luke 22: 29-30)   The eucharist, the thanksgiving memorial feast with our Lord, has power, just as the passover lamb’s blood had power to keep the destroyer away from the Hebrews.The concept of the open heaven reveals the unseen nature of the supernatural going on around us.  While that is exciting (and I yearn for an angelic encounter some day), there are more practical reasons God’s escalator to heaven is important:1.  The stairs are one means to access the Heavenly Father.  The LORD God stands at the top of the stairs and promises us blessings (Gen. 28:14).  His eyes are roving over the earth looking for those of us who strongly support Him. (2 Chro. 16:9).  “The kingdom come . . .  on earth as it is in heaven.”  The open heaven is one connection point. 2.  The LORD has given us a seat in that open heaven, a throne at His table.  We can sit with Him,  watch His face, hear Him speak, and feel His heartbeat. Because of this intimacy, we can grow in His Image, like a child grows in the image of her parent.  The open heaven allows us to receive from Him, as a child receives from her father (John 1:12).3.  God says He will throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. (Mal. 3:10.)  We can feast on the abundance from His kitchen and drink from the river of His delights. (Ps. 36:8-9). Here, the riches of his glorious inheritance and his incomparably great power are made available. (Eph. 1: 18).I love the Hebrew word for “floodgate”.  It (arubbah) has four meanings accordingly to the interlinear Bible I use:—  Arubbah is a window, so we can see The LORD, exalted and filling His heavenly throne room.  All that I shared above, including angelic activity,  is possible because of that wide-open window.—  Arubbah is a sluce way, a channel for water to flow.  In Scripture water is equivalent to the Holy Spirit.—  Arubbah is a chimney, allowing the smoke of fire to escape.  In Scripture fire is one way God has ministered to us.  Moses met Yahweh in the burning bush. (Ex. 3:3) Jesus baptizes us with the Holy Spirit and with fire. (Mat. 3:11)— Arubbah is a lattice, allowing fruitful vines to latch on and grow, bearing fruit.  In Scripture the vine is a metaphor for the fruitful relationship we have with our Lord. (John 15)So, we as gate keepers stand at the entrance to the “escalator” to heaven.  We offer all these “riches in glory” to those who have a ticket of admission through Jesus.  What fun!  What joy!We can go up and sit with the Father.We can come down and bring heaven to earth.  Thank you, Jesus, for making me your gatekeeper.  In Christ,


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