Do You Need Purpose?
Do you ever wake up without a clear purpose for your day? Do you ever wonder if what you are planning has eternal value? Consider being a wind turbine for the Lord.
I saw some of these beautiful white monoliths on a hill overlooking the Attica Reservoir. They rose high above the autumnal tree line, and circled, circled and circled in the breeze. They stood tall and solid, seemingly to reach to the sky. As they rotated, they were generating energy to be used fruitfully in our environment.
What these turbines taught me was this: if in doubt, I should just stand firm and tall, and let the Holy Spirit blow through me. I should offer myself, so God will create energy in me which can then flow out and be fruitful for others.
In truth, this attitude of yielding to the Creator is all our Lord really wants from us, nothing more. But this is tricky, because as you become his turbine, you won’t see the results. If the breeze is gentle you may not even feel the Spirit. You just have to trust, you are fulfilling your purpose.
In Christ,