Fight for Freedom: End Human Trafficking
This problem of human trafficking is increasing daily, throughout the world. Human trafficking is prevalent in India and Africa, but also on the streets of Western New York, and the “wealthy” cities in North America. Young children, vulnerable teenagers, and even emotionally needy adults are being swept away in body and/or mind by predators. Part of our population, the undocumented youths, migrant children, runaways, and members of marginalized groups, are more susceptible to this evil than others. But any person, regardless of class or back ground, might be caught in the web of hidden violence. If you have followed my website, you know that I, despite a solid career and an education in psychology, was a victim of a scam. I got taken in and I lost my “heart” and my money. No one is immune to this evil which lurks in the shadows all over the world. If being victimized through human trafficking, or internet scamming, or local domestic violence is not happening to you, I am sure it is effecting someone you know and maybe even love.So what can we do about it? Pay Attention!! Be aware. Consider whether you want to respond in one of these four ways: 1.) Effect policy at a local or state level. Learn the laws, and the policies that effect the safety of the victims, and advocate to bring about change. 2.) Work as a volunteer or contribute time or money to help the professionals who sole purpose is to provide services to the victims who have been rescued. See Rescu for Love's Facebook page. 3.) Collaborate with law enforcement agencies and serve in roles that mobilize citizens who are lobbying for stronger laws; organize events that would educate the public and/or raise money for groups whose mission is to stop the crimes; and 4.) Rally to protect the victims, by mentoring them, and helping them meet their basic needs. Provide hospitality, transportation, meals and clothes.Human trafficking traumatizes people on many levels — Bodies need repair; emotions need healing; life philosophies need altering; spiritual issues need counsel. Perhaps you are gifted in an area in which you could help a victim. All I ask is that you open yourself up to God, and ask Him if He needs you. If you know of any disenfranchised victims who would benefit from help with their trauma, I offer my services in trauma-reduction pro bono. Refer them to me.