Let the Spirit Flow
Imagine walking into a room that has been closed up a long time. Can you smell the dank walls, the musty furniture, the stale air?If this “closeness” bothered you, you would probably walk to the nearest window and crack it open. Would that minimal effort clear the air? Probably not. So then you would open all the windows completely, and wait.Maybe you would be impatient with the room’s mustiness, as I would. So off I would go to find a fan to circulate the air. I’d probably throw the door open and, using the fans, cycle the fresh outside air into the room. This process would help.But what would really clear the room’s stifling air out? What would freshen the place the fastest and the best? A good windstorm from outside! Imagine when the trees kick up, and wind blows tight through the room. If that happened, this dank, smelly room would clear out within a few minutes.Liken this room to your soul. Are you closed up, stale, and maybe even stinking? Open up the windows of your soul, not just a crack but wide open. This action is like opening up your soul to the Word of God. Start reading the fresh air of Scripture. Don’t just crack open the Word a little bit, but lay that book firmly on your desk and, throw it wide open, and search widely throughout it.Now turn the fans on. This starts the air circulating. I believe this would be the equivalent of sharing the Word with others, praying the promises of the Bible, becoming dynamically involved for the Kingdom. Anything that smelled stale and stagnant would be cleared out of your dark soul.Finally, pray for a wind storm to touch you. Let God’s breezes get stronger and stronger. Let the winds blow through those windows of your mind and heart. Seek a gale. Ask for the Holy Spirit to be released mightily within you. You will not know where that wind came from or where it is going. But if that movement is the Holy Spirit of God you can be sure it will freshen your soul, clean out your spirit, and pour wholesome spiritual air into you, into every corner of your person. Can you smell the freshness? Can you feel the cleanness? Open the windows of your soul to the Holy Spirit, and set the fans of God’s Word whirling in your life. You will love the experience.