Roll it Away
I made a “to-do” list today and prayed the Lord would help me accomplish it, a typical early morning behavior.But then I read Ps. 37:5-6. “Commit your way to the Lord. . . . and He will do this.” And much to my surprise and confusion THIS was NOT my “to-do” list. What God said He would do was NOT help me get through the laundry, and the groceries, and the bill-paying, nor the dusting nor the dog-walking. God’s “to-do” list is completely different.What God said He would DO is to make my righteousness shine and His vindication of me glow even brighter.I shook my head to clear the old thought away, and to replace my worldly to-do list with these spiritual steps. What did it mean — really — to have my righteousness and justice shine forth? What needed to happen to bring this condition about?Studying further, I learned that righteousness and justice are similar concepts. The former means to be made right in God’s eyes and the latter means to be sentenced after a judgment. Put together, the paraphrase would be: I am being made right in God’s eyes, so that my sentence or penalty will be wiped away. As a Christian I know that fact in my mind, but I fail to remember it on a minute-by-minute basis. Can you believe that All I have “to-do” each day is accept Christ’s righteousness and His setting me free from judgement?When I do this, God’s light is turned on within me, and it increases from an inner glow to a outward shining.But how does this condition come about? [FYI: I’m all for knowing the “hows” for my “to-do’s”.)All I have to do is to commit my way to the Lord.What does the verb “to commit” really mean on a practical level? It is the Hebrew word (galal, pronounced gaw-lal) for “roll on to” or “roll away”. In the Bible it is used in three ways: when a king rolled a large stone into position as an altar for sacrifice (1 Sam 14:33); when a shepherd rolled a stone off the top of a well of water so his sheep could drink; and when the stone sealing Jesus’s tomb was rolled-away, displaying His empty grave.Now my “to-do” list has changed completely. All I have to do is COMMIT my way to Him, which means I galal. I roll-on to Him my wordly “to-dos”. As I galal, I I roll a stone into position and prepare an altar for my living sacrifice. And I roll away a stone and drink of the now opened well of His Holy Spirit. And I gaze at the stone rolled away from His tomb, and marvel at the fact that my LORD has been resurrected.