Take this Get-out-of-jail-free card and live as the Royal Child of the King
Throughout Scripture there is one consistent story: mankind has been in slavery or held in bondage because of the Enemy. Father God has provided ways of escape and paths of freedom for his children. The Almighty King desires that we take our position — not as enslaved people — but as the royal sons and daughters that we are. We have to choose to stay in jail (slavery) or to walk out in freedom.
Are you free or are you in bondage? Three factors influence your position. The attitude of your heart. The existence of “open doors” to sin in your life. The lies you are believing. We will look at these three so that you can figure out the keys you need to be set free. Bottom line: Jesus is your “get-out-of-jail-free” card. He Alone is the KEY. He came to earth and died on the cross to see that you could walk away from bondage.
Tune in to Face book Live. Leave any jail cell you may be in and move onto the Throne of God where The Father wants you to sit in the heavenly realms with him.
In Christ,