Your friend-God Almighty-wants to be your garbage collector!

Father God wants you to be his friend, not his servant.  He wants to know what you are worried about, what brings on the tears, what confuses you.  He wants to share with you His plans and desires.

A friend is someone who has attached herself to you out of feelings of affection, and accepts you the way you are. A friend offers you her heart, her mouth, her hands, and she helps carry your burdens.

The LORD spoke to Moses as one speaks to a friend. (Ex. 33:11).  Moses asked for help, and God said, “My presence will go with you.  I’ll give you rest.”

We, too,  can grow in our friendship with God by entering into his Presence and his rest.  Dr. Julie describes the process, of emptying her thoughts, and waiting for God’s voice.   It has three actions:   releasing, relaxing and then rising up to serve.

God has made us relational people. We do need human friends.   But when God suggested that we seek first the kingdom of God and all these other things will be added, I believe He means he would provide first Himself as our best friend.  Then he would place us in a tribe of special friends, so that we can serve the kingdom well.

 In Christ,


An Easy-to-Follow Guide to Bring Someone to the Lord


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