The Deep Things of God

Do you yearn for the deep things of God?  God has revealed to us things that we cannot conceive of, things that God alone has prepared for us. These things come by his Spirit.  (1 Cor. 2:10)

Here are suggested characteristics of a person whose intention is to walk deeply with God. This list was put together by a Bible Study group as we considered what it looks like to be “deep in God.”  Certainly the list is not exhaustive.  Please let me know other ideas you might have.

  1. These believers have a fear of the Almighty, knowing that fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
  2. They walk in holiness, because without holiness (through Christ’s blood) they couldn’t be tuned into God.  They are a confessing person, sins brought quickly to the throne of grace.
  3. They have experienced brokenness in their souls, and walk with a spiritual limp, a humility that comes from sharing in the sufferings of Christ.
  4. They love the Word of God. What they speak lines up with that Word, always speaking the truth.
  5. They spend time in prayer, because communication with God is the avenue to a deep relationship with Him.
  6. They exhibit the fruit of the Spirit, including a deep agape love, which is forgiving and grace-filled, and extended to those that are spiritually lost.
  7. They operate by the Holy Spirit, and see supernatural manifestations in their lives because their souls are yielded to God.

My prayer for each of my friends, self included, is that we would fit that description. Let’s take some time to evaluate ourselves against that criteria.  And in the event we have difficulty in any area we would reach out to one another and find support.  Please write to me ( if you have questions about how to make those seven characteristics part of your life.



Endorsement of Prayer


The Key to a Refreshed Soul