Want More of God’s Love?  Use Spiritual Breathing

The LORD and I had a discussion recently on May the LORD direct your hearts into God’s love.” (2 Thes. 3:5.) 

I asked Abba Father for ideas on how to direct my heart into His love. This was Holy Spirit’s suggestion:

Beloved, I want you to remember that it is just as important for you to BE LOVED by me, as it is for you to love me. Throughout the day ask yourself this question:  “At this moment am I actively receiving God’s love?”

“Actively receiving my love” can come in the experience of an emotion.  You FEEL my love.  But sometimes the receiving of my agape comes through your thought life.  You THINK of me, and remember me as the one who LOVES you.

At other times, neither your feelings nor your thoughts are getting this love relationship right.  That is the moment you simply have to WILL God’s love into your life.  You use your faith to believe that I, Abba Father,  LOVE YOU.

Dear One, notice the verb from Scripture:  “to direct” in reference to your heart.   “Direct”  means “steer your vessel on a straight course”. It also means “remove any obstacles from the way so you are not hindered.”

Here is a solid Holy Spirit strategy to steer a straight course and remove all blocks:   We call it spiritual breathing(originated by CRU).

Spiritual Breathing is simply exhaling the bad, and inhaling the good.  When there is a block to your experiencing my love, don’t ignore it.  Identify it.  If it is a sin or a choice not based on faith, confess it.  (1 John 1:9)  Exhale that block, just like we breathe out carbon dioxide.  Then inhale the good stuff, which is God.  To breathe in physically means you take in a nice, deep breath of oxygen.  To fill your spiritual lungs,  you inhale the Holy Spirit.

Did you know I have commanded you to breathe in the Holy Spirit?  Eph 5:18b says, “Be filled with the Holy Spirit.”   The Greek word for “to be filled” is pleroō.  It means to be filled to the tippy top, to be so full your container is running over, to be 100% complete.  I give the Holy Spirit without measure (John 3:34)  Just ask for Holy Spirit, and you will actively experience my love. 

In Christ,


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