What Does It Mean To Be Forgiven?

In some Biblical translations the word “forgiveness” of sins is written “remission” of sins.  The root of the Greek word for remission is means aphiemi (ah’-fee-ah-me), which means “release from bondage”, and “letting sins go like they have never been committed.”

Picture these followings actions in which aphiemi is used as the verb:

Then try to place your wrongs, your mistakes, your poor choices into the picture.  This is a visual on how your sins are being forgiven (aphiemi’d) by God:

1.  The disciples aphiemi’d their nets, boats and careers and followed Jesus.  They gave them all up, turned their backs on those nets, and walked away, in a completely different direction – towards Jesus.

2.  Jesus touched Peter’s sick mother-in-law and her fever aphiemi’d (left her).  (Mat. 8:15).  When her fever departed, she was rose up, no longer hot, weak and nauseous, and served Jesus.

3.  The servant cancelled the debtor’s bill completely. (Mat. 18:27-35).

Ripping the bill up, he said, “You don’t owe me anything.” This act was aphiemi.

4.  When Lazarus was dead and buried, Jesus commanded him to be unbound and let go (aphiemi) (John 11:44).   Here a man (once dead but now resurrected)  is released from his grave clothes and set free.

5.  On the cross, Jesus yielded up/gave up/ aphiemi’d his spirit;  that was his death.  (Mat. 27:50).  When Jesus released his life-breath, He was separated from the Heavenly Father, so that YOU COULD BE FORGIVEN.  Then Christ entered heaven so together with Him you could appear before the face of God. (Heb. 9:24).

Please meditate on this truth.  When you repent of your sin, you have the privilege of accepting Jesus’s death as the punishment for your wrong doing.

Your daily (even hourly) process of walking with Jesus has some basic steps:

You are required to identify your specific sin,

to confess it and accept God’s forgiveness,

and then be restored deeper into the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus wipes out your sin completely 

as though it has never happened.  

This means you are purified from ALL that is unholy. (1 John 1:9).

Now you can sit with God in His throne room. 

This marvelous TRUTH is  the Remission of your sins.   Picture that, Dear Reader.   That is your victory in Christ.

In Christ,


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