What Did Jesus Do Up In The Galilean Hills?

I have often wondered what Jesus did when he “went off to be alone.”  What was he praying about?  What was he feeling?The following scene was written by Bodie and Brock Thoene in the Stones of Jerusalem.  (p. 177).  This historical novel (part of the Zion Legacy)  covers part of the last three years in Jesus’s life. It tells a story about the primary characters in the Gospels and how they interacted with Jesus, while Israel was fomenting with conflict between the Romans and the Jews.The evening scene takes place along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, in Capernaum. The Roman centurion, Marcus, has just asked Mary Magdalene where Jesus was going after a full day of healing and teaching.Mary of Magdala says, “Sometimes he [Jesus] just leaves. . . . I think it’s maybe all the people.  Everyone needing so much.  It’s unending  . . . . all the needs, I mean.  He goes away to the mountains. To be alone beneath his stars.  He harvests the quiet.  Gathers peace into himself and remembers how it was.  Knows how it will be again.  He rests from us awhile.  Weeps quietly by himself, I think, so he can stand among us without weeping.  Then he can gaze into faces longing for his answers and not break into a million pieces and tear the universe apart with the grief of it.  He loves us all.  Every one of us.  And oh! Love is such a heavy burden to carry sometimes.” Thank you, Lord, for these words.  That I may imitate you as I seek solitude.  That you would carry my burdens of grief and of loving.   In your name, Amen. In Christ,


Fool-Proofing your Life: What to do When You Love a Fool


With some TLC you can flower!