What is your Trust quotient?   A cornerstone of well-being.

“To trust” means to have confidence in something, to be persuaded that the person or object is reliable. Dependent babies are born with an innate capacity to trust.  If they are raised in a healthy home, their ability to trust thrives.  Sadly, if there are problems with neglect or abuse, their ability to trust shrivels.  Trust can grow stronger as one gets older.  But problems, from the environment or from within the person, can injure one’s “trust quotient.”

The only person or object worthy of trust is the Almighty God.  He is consistently there, loving us and protecting us. Building trust in God or in anything is a trial and error process, similar to “sitting down in a chair.”  The first time you sit in a chair, you need to test it first (or see someone else test it).  If it holds you up, you will probably sit in it again, because it has proven itself reliable.

The value of trusting God is that it gives you hope and takes away fear.  When we trust objects of the world, or even a person, we can run into problems.  I experienced trusting a person who was unreliable (in fact, a total scam artist) and had to wrestle with God about that experience. Did God let that happen to me?  Where was God in the midst of that mess?  The end result was that God proved Himself trustworthy.  He was good to His word and redeemed that mistake I made.  For you to experience well-being in your life, I encourage you to trust in God, not in man.

In Christ,


Defining who you are: the second cornerstone of life of well-being


Wrestling with Un-forgiveness? Watch Jesus pin it!