Jesus’s Act of Love:  (from Mat. 8:5 - 13) 

JesusActsofLoveMARCHJesus’s love for the Roman official is seen in two ways.  First, Jesus’ affirmed the official’s faith, and the man’s intention that his servant be healed. The soldier said, “Just give the order and my servant will be fine.” And Jesus praised the man for his faith, and said, “What you believed could happen has happened.”   And the servant became well.

Second, Jesus demonstrated the inclusiveness of his Father’s love, because this centurion was not a Jew, but a Gentile.  Even though the Son of God came to save the Jews, Jesus made it clear that the Heavenly Father desires to include ALL PEOPLE in the Sovereign God’s blessings.

The result of this act of love is two-fold.  Jesus highlighted the importance of “just saying the word” ; a request of God made in faith will be accomplished.  In essence, if God wills it and you speak it, God will do it.   

Jesus also called the Roman captain a “vanguard of many outsiders”.  Because of the manner in which Jesus interacted with the Gentile centurion, the world then saw how extensive and far-reaching God’s love is.

The application of this dual act of love is simple.  God’s love encircles everyone, and that means YOU.   Then he calls you to include all others in that same circle.  When you have a desire, a prayer request that is based on God’s will, all you have to do is kick your faith into gear, speak out, and watch God accomplish it. 



Jesus’s Act of Love (from Matthew 4:18-22)


Jesus’s Act of Love: (from Mat. 5:1-2)